Finding an Arrowhead
A mystery hidden until chance discovery
Only by serendipity of time and place
One precise preceding path
A last puff of wind uncovers
The eyes glance and see
Beauty untouched for an unknown time
Almost fearing a vision, I reach out
And touch
Confirming a very special thing
That was once special to someone else
And forever will be to someone again
The finds are less frequent now
Ten times the past year
Where it once seemed an endless supply
The time spent in that far away place
Goes from daily to occasional to seldom
But I still see each vision
And remember the feel of each encounter
Only by serendipity of time and place
One precise preceding path
A last puff of wind uncovers
The eyes glance and see
Beauty untouched for an unknown time
Almost fearing a vision, I reach out
And touch
Confirming a very special thing
That was once special to someone else
And forever will be to someone again
The finds are less frequent now
Ten times the past year
Where it once seemed an endless supply
The time spent in that far away place
Goes from daily to occasional to seldom
But I still see each vision
And remember the feel of each encounter